Dear Friends,

It is Thanksgiving week already? Did it come fast for you? Or, does it feel like we have already had six years in 2020? Normally this time of year, our family is juggling whether we are going to the Popes or the Bakers for Thanksgiving and what we are going to bring to the table. This year, we are staying home and will connect with our extended family on Zoom. I imagine many of you are like my family, planning for a holiday with a table that will seem a little empty.

I have been thinking a lot about Feast Table for our Future, the spoken word poem Women’s Fund commissioned from Manon Voice to demonstrate the resiliency of women in our community. The result is a beautiful piece of art translated into a short film. If you haven’t had the opportunity to watch it yet, please do. Many people have commented that it is just what they needed right now. Many thanks to Indianapolis Power & Light, Company for making this possible.

What will your Feast Table look like this year? Are some people missing because of social distancing? Is there an aching absence because of loss of life or the raw tear of separation because of family disagreements? Will everyone you love and cherish be with you? 

For many women and girls in our community, their Feast Table is not only missing the people they love, it is also missing a nutritious meal. Maybe they don’t even have a table … or a safe, affordable place to live right now.

During 2020, Women’s Fund has directed all of our unrestricted assets towards the impact of COVID-19 on our grantee organizations and the women and girls which they serve. The pandemic has disproportionately impacted women—particularly women of color—and Women’s Fund has been there to provide funding for emergency shelter, diapers, food, clothing, technology for staying connected and more. Women’s Fund has been laser focused on the equitable distribution of dollars to the women and girls who are in the greatest need. I invite you to read about the organizations we have supported on our blog. Many of you helped make this funding possible through your long-term support of Women’s Fund. THANK YOU.

As you think about all for which you are grateful this year, and how you might use your philanthropic dollars to make a difference, I hope you will think about the work we are doing to make sure every woman and girl has a seat at a bountiful table.

This year, more than ever, we have a tremendous need for contributions to our Operating Fund so we can continue our Community Leadership and work on behalf of women and girls in our community.

Will you please join me in making a gift to Women’s Fund? You may make a gift online or by mailing a check to:

Women’s Fund of Central Indiana
615 N. Alabama Street, Suite 300
Indianapolis 46204

You may also make a gift from your donor-advised fund or a transfer of appreciated stock.

Thank you so kindly for considering how you might support Women’s Fund in 2020. Your contributions will make a significant difference for women and girls in our community.

Best wishes to you this Thanksgiving. I hope you will find new ways to create joy during this very different holiday season.

Kindest regards,

Jennifer Pope Baker
Women’s Fund of Central Indiana

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