Discover the power of women’s philanthropy

“Participating in the OPTIONS program was a rewarding experience. Being an OPTIONS scholar myself, I witnessed firsthand the financial impact that this group has in the lives of women and girls in our community through monetary donations. I also gained a group of sister friends for life. It was an honor to be among powerful and smart women who support one another and love their community.”

-Suri Aveja-DeBethune, Class 16


“When we come together with mutual respect and a passion for women and girls’ health and well-being, we can learn and do so much. I loved networking with my OPTIONS class 21 and donating 100% of our collective funds directly to the community groups that we visited and the on-going scholarship fund.”

Tamara Cypress, Class 21

“OPTIONS inspires women to learn, lead and embrace varied thoughts. I left the program inspired and connected to a community of women in a new way.”

Kelly Young, Class 2

Women’s Fund of Central Indiana’s OPTIONS program was designed to help participants get smart about critical issues impacting women and girls, and learn to use their work, wealth and wisdom to make ours a community where women and girls can thrive.

The 10-month program, featuring monthly two-hour sessions, includes guest speakers, field trips, community exploration and leadership development. Participants, age 25 and older, end the program with:

  • A better understanding of gender equity and intersections with race and other identities
  •  A personal giving plan
  • Experience in group grantmaking
  • An understanding of how to better support women- and girl-serving not-for-profits as volunteers, donors and board members

A $500 participation fee goes toward grants from the OPTIONS class to women-and-girl-serving organizations. Join the 470 women who have amplified their philanthropic voice, power and leadership through OPTIONS.

Applications for 2024 are now closed. To be added to the contact list and to learn more about applying for OPTIONS in 2025, please contact Wendy at her email below. 


Contact Wendy McNamar at WendyM@cicf.org if you have questions or concerns. 

Current OPTIONS Class

See the members of our OPTIONS Class 23

OPTIONS Alumnae 

See the full list of our OPTIONS Alumnae by year.


Your gift addresses the needs of women and girls in our community.

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