Meet Patsy Mellott, Community Volunteer.

How and why did you first get connected with Women’s Fund?

My new legal counsel, Alexis Summers, was a recent OPTIONS alumna and thought Women’s Fund might be a good fit for my interests in philanthropic support of women and issues facing them. She introduced me to Nan Edgerton who then introduced me to Jennifer. Learning about Women’s Fund and its educational component, Perspectives, fit with my interests. I especially appreciated the educational component as I wanted to learn more about my “new” hometown as well as find a way to use my skills and experience as a volunteer.

What single word would you use to describe yourself?

It’s tough to find one word as the two best words are: problem solver. In one word, collaborative.

What really matters to you when it comes to our community?

Women’s Equality. Fifty plus years ago I was “the first” in many aspects of my business career and felt the pressure to be better, work harder, etc while accepting less pay than my male peers. Sadly women are still not equal, but there’s some progress. I admire the many accomplished women but just not enough. Others are trapped in situations that don’t let them flourish. Women’s Fund’s mission to ensure that every woman and girl in our community has an equitable opportunity to reach her full potential speaks aligns with my belief that women are just as valuable as men.

How does your involvement with Women’s Fund help you achieve your personal or professional goals?

As I was approaching retirement, my late mother shared some sage wisdom from poet Maya Angelou, “I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw some things back.” At the same time my late mother was also a good philanthropic role model, sharing her time, talent, and treasure with her community. I, too, look at volunteering with Women’s Fund as a way to give back as well as a way to help others succeed. Giving back and helping others are key personal goals.

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