Meet Lacy Wooden, HR Generalist at Citizens Energy Group.

How and why did you first get connected with Women’s Fund?

My connection with Women’s Fund started when I was chosen to be a part of the 2020 OPTIONS program.

What single word would you use to describe yourself?


What really matters to you when it comes to our community?

Equitable resources for all.

How does your involvement with Women’s Fund help you achieve your personal or professional goals?

My involvement with Women’s Fund helps me achieve my person goals by being a part the process and conversations that lead to equitable resources for women and girls that are not in a position to speak for themselves or have the resources to build for themselves. My professional goals are being enhanced by having access to powerful thought leaders in our community. I have gained the ability to share my voice, the opportunity to build the DEI work space and the opportunity to learn about the inner workings of the Women’s Fund.

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