Dear Friends,

It is hard to believe February is upon us already! It is the shortest month, yet the calendar is full of special days: Groundhog Day, Tater Tot Day, Valentine’s Day, Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, Go Fly a Kite Day, President’s Day … and, all the children are hoping for another Snow Day. The month as a whole is also a time when we recognize Black History, which we should do every month. In this newsletter, Women’s Fund recognizes our first Black Board Chair, Tavonna Harris Askew and our new Vice Chair, Nichole Wilson. We highlight a Black woman-owned business, Kuaba Gallery, and the great work of the Madam CJ Walker Legacy Center, in conjunction with a grant we provided to them in late 2021.

Additionally, if you or someone you know is interested in our OPTIONS Class, now is the time to raise your hand. If you are 25-46, identify as a woman, are curious, open-minded, support our commitment to racial equity, want to learn more about issues impacting women and girls in our community and how to become a thoughtful philanthropist, click here for more information.

If you are on social media, are you following us? If so, we would really appreciate your interaction with our posts and for you to share the ones that resonate with you. Your help in amplifying the work of Women’s Fund will ultimately bring more like-minded people to table to increase the support of women and girls in our community.

As always, thank you for your support of Women’s Fund of Central Indiana!

Jennifer Pope Baker
President of Women’s Fund of Central Indiana

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