Advocating for survivors of interpersonal violence, Coburn Place has continued to serve some of our most vulnerable population, even during this new uncertain reality. While the world around them is in chaos caused by a global pandemic, Coburn Place has held steadfast to their mission of empowering victims of interpersonal abuse – including domestic violence – to live as survivors.

COVID-19 has impacted the way Coburn Place is providing its services to those in need. Right now, because of the coronavirus, it’s unsafe for them to allow people from all walks of life in and out of their building, including visitors, volunteers, and individuals who want to drop off donations. They are temporarily putting women fleeing from their homes in hotels until they can find permanent housing. Programs, therapy, and their holistic support services have been moved from in-person to on-line.

Their services are much needed as they are experiencing an increase in crisis calls during this time. In the past two months, eight new families fleeing dangerous situations have found a safe place at Coburn Place.

The Coburn Place staff are quick to admit that they couldn’t do it alone. Women’s Fund was one of the first funders to offer help. That help came in the form of a $2,500 grant designated to help provide cleaning supplies and staff support.

“We were struck by the additional expenses we would have to undertake because of new health and safety requirements,” said Lara Chandler, Chief Operating Officer, Coburn Place. “We weren’t expecting to take on those extra expenses, so we were incredibly grateful to Women’s Fund for stepping in and supporting us at a time when we weren’t quite sure what to do.”

During the center of this 2020 pandemic, the leadership team at Coburn Place constantly assesses the constantly changing situation while complying with Governor Holcomb’s and Mayor Hogsett’s orders. They are unsure how things will look in the future. According to Lara, “Things will be different, just how different is the question.”

While uncertainty rules society currently, there is one thing those who need it can count on: Coburn Place will continue to partner with survivors to help them become self-sufficient and break the cycle of violence. 

“It’s important to know that even when the pandemic is over and restrictions are lifted, there will be a greater need for support,” Lara shared. “We’re finding new and creative ways for people to support us now and into the future.”

If you would like to get involved, visit their website to learn more. Since in-person volunteering isn’t an option at Coburn Place right now, they have created remote volunteer opportunities that can be done at home. Cleaning supplies continue to be a welcome donation.

If you or someone you know is in need of help, text (317) 864.0832 or call (317) 923.5750 for crisis assistance 24/7. While many things are in short supply right now, compassion and help can always be found at Coburn Place.

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