Time is so strange. The way 1996 can sound like just yesterday or a gazillion ages ago. When The Women’s Fund of Central Indiana was being formed 25 years ago, it took many people and organizations to say: Now is the time.

When we say “It’s about time” it’s often swith a dose of frustration. But sometimes, it really is about time.

It took time to conceive of and then form the Women’s Fund in our city.

It took precious time for the founding board – the founding mothers – to put the footholds in place to sustain a lasting fund.

It took painstaking time for every subsequent board and staff member to look at the community with fresh eyes and ask, “Are we doing enough? Are we doing the right things? In the right ways? Are we making a difference?”

It’s taken copious amounts of time to stage small, medium, large events (and one extra-large!) that each have substance, meaning and joy as their mission.

It took time to evolve to our Mission statement to what it is today: Women’s Fund of Central Indiana mobilizes people, ideas and investments so every woman and girl in our community has an equitable opportunity to reach her full potential – no matter her place, race or identity.

It’s taken time to build boards and committees with racial and age diversity that reflect our community. And now is the time we’ll have our first African American board chair in 2022, when Tavonna Harris Askew assumes the role. We say, “It’s about time!” and it really is.

It is truly about time. The passage of time. The time it takes to do things well and with meaning.

Time is a gift, and none of us has time to waste, so when you choose to share your valuable time with Women’s Fund, we see you and we appreciate you. When you help us stretch and grow in ways that take time, we appreciate you. When we look at systems in our community and our world that work against women and girls, it will take time, but we will improve them, in time.

Thank you for your time in helping us reach 25. Here’s to 25 more – and more time!

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