Women’s Fund of Central Indiana, a Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF) fund, announced today the distribution of $500,000 in grants to support women and girl serving organizations in the Central Indiana community. Women’s Fund more than doubled its grantmaking support from the previous year.  

“Expanding opportunities and amplifying the voices of women and girls is paramount to our mission,” said Deborah Hearn Smith, interim president for Women’s Fund of Central Indiana. 

Some of the organizations that received grants include: 

Inner Beauty Program ($12,000)— Through its program, Mirror Mirror: Bridging the Gap Between Mothers & Daughters, the organization aims to lessen traumatic occurrences that result from intergenerational misperceptions and lack of knowledge. The organization will provide life-coaching/mentoring, entrepreneurship workshops, trauma yoga and mindfulness, and physical fitness on a weekly basis to 50 mothers and daughters. 

The Riley Center ($7,000)—The Riley Center’s Think Like a Girl program serves girls 8 to 14-years-old. 50 girls will meet weekly for three hours. Success is when the girls feel they have the skills and tools to navigate with confidence through their defined challenges and a framework that allows them to go forward to navigate change throughout life. 

Silent No More ($25,000)— The organization provides 30 days of emergency shelter at a hotel for women and their families fleeing intimate partner violence. All clients within the past year have been single women or women with children fleeing in hopes of a better future. The organization says its emergency placement program is often individuals’ first step toward freedom.  

A total of 32 organizations received support. Nine of these organizations were new to receiving funding from Women’s Fund. View the full of grantees. 

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